Compost Mentis

By megatonlove


Coco is a 5 year old male pit bull.

He lives on the streets with his owner, a bearded young man with sad eyes. I met them when I was running errands in town today. They were friendly and we chatted for about 10 minutes. The man was polite and well-spoken. His dog Coco was clean and well cared for, but he was shivering non stop. He came up for cuddles and gave me a good lean. I tend to judge a dog's character by how solidly it leans against me. I felt bad I only had a few Euro coins to spare.

With the long cold spell we've had in Belgium, I've often wondered how the homeless are faring. Driving back to my warm house, all I could think of was the large piece of homemade ham in the fridge. How I wish I had that with me when I met them this morning.

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