Low cloud

After a fashion...

And a night of cramps and little sleep but a much improved day...the weather, dreich in the extreme...and a wander into new manali for photo's for a permit...and then, on the wander up through the deodar wood, the skies went boom...wandering in search of known shelter, sat above the river as the cloud casts a mist upon it, transformed into smoking jade, an elixir winding downstream, it's own ghost...the cloud permeating the woodland, drifting between the trees, shrouding rocks...too ethereal to survive the translation of the lens...gloom brightened by occasional lightning, shadows projected through trees...and above gaps in cloud remind you of the hidden heights, trees painted in a Chinese style towering until they dissappear...

So, still in manali then...

And a thousand blips later...an oddity of a concept in this fickle world...it's been intriguing, an odd mix of joys and vague masochisms and I am surprised, it does seem surreal... and, not for the first time, I think I should comment more...sporadic wifi an excuse for the moment he wonders aloud...and thanks to those who keep this thing going by continuing to trawl through it...

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