
By weewilkie


A different walk today. Up one side of the Clyde, across the bridge at the Science Centre and then back along the Govan road. Part of taking pictures when out and about is trying to capture something unmolested. To try and not move things around to make a more interesting image.

So, this pine cone was right there by the side of the cycle path with the Waverley and Science centre in the background. Sweet serendipity.
More and more as I've attempted to meet this daily blip deadline I've realised something about myself as a photographer. I'm not the best at the technical aspects of photography, but what I do do well is notice things that maybe others would pass by. So maybe any talent I have lies in noticing and trying to frame it and hope others see something interesting.

This one wasn't that hard to miss to be honest. In life though I feel that making sure to be open to things in order to notice them is a pretty good plan. Loved ones especially. I don't mean notice them as in "I can see you !!", but more notice the small easily missed signs and aspects of their life. It's just love really, I guess.

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