Very wet morning cobweb.....

.....took this about 06:45 this morning as we left for work. Geoff sat patiently in the car.

I tried to get a snail that was on top of the hedge but like many creature it had it's bum to me and when I tried from the other side of the hedge I remembered that the grown is lower that side and I couldn't see the top of the hedge!

Lovely day now mainly because we are at home!!

Another course started today, finished on 27 June, 18 participants, who all arrived eventually, 16 there for 15:00, 2 who missed the site tour but made it for 16:00 and the instructor introduction. They have a free bar and a BBQ tonight so the ice should be broken by the morning. Lots of different nationalities again.

And I nearly forget my first flower from a participant - Moritz Volland from Spain turned up with a single sunflower for me, it had survived the perils of the local public transport and is now sitting in a water bottle on my desk :-)

I hadn't realised I had been 'nice' to someone........

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