
By LoJardinier


This was the start of the vernissage (opening) for the exhibition of photos taken by the children of the primary school in my village - a competition (concours) in memory of Teleri (Chaiselongue), named for her, and sponsored by the proceeds of her own last show in the same caveau.

It was an opening like no other - very noisy with children running about excitiedly pointing out their own photos, posing for pictures, yelling at their families and all eagerly waiting for the moment when the winners in the two categories - 'My Village' and 'Animals and Plants' would be announced.

Eventually the organisers could hold out no longer and since their teachers were now present the children all sat quietly on the floor while the envelopes with the winners' names were produced and opened. Each winner came away with a little digital camera, and we gave two more to the school to record their activities. All the children received a certificate signed by the judges of the competition, and will take their framed photos home at the end of term.

Teachers, parents and children all seemed very happy with the project, and I hope we can do it again next year. The adults present were particularly pleased that since four of the parents are winemakers and all brought samples of their range, we could do quite a bit of wine tasting - after the art appreciation, of course.

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