Modern Madonna
A few years ago I took a trip to St Petersburg and during this holiday we visited Kizhi Island, in Karelia.
After we had walked round this wonderful collection of old houses that had been transported and rebuilt there, we went into a shed by the jetty where there were the usual local traders trying to sell their wares, including pictures.
I spotted the Modern Madonna immediately. I had started to be fascinated by Russian icons and she had that kind of quality I thought. A shy guy was sitting by the oil painting and his sister (she said she was his sister: she was the only one who spoke English) told me that he was the artist.
She asked for 25$. On these trips you were supposed to barter - and I have a reputation for haggling at the best of times - but I knew how much it would cost me to have it framed when I got home. It seemed so wrong to pay far more for the setting than for the artwork, so I immediately said "Yes", feeling a bit guilty.
They thought I was mad but accepted the money with great happiness. Then they all came across and congratulated me and wanted me to know just how great a painting I had bought.
I knew - and she has had pride of place ever since.
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