You are the King of the Divan....
What the heck am I doing?
It's not that I've had a sudden burst of energy; it's not that I've been having a mad fitness kick.
I've just had this incredible urge to be "doing" things all the time.
If it's not crochet, or knitting, or whirring my sewing machine, or drawing, or writing - I'm in the garden planting flowers. Himself is looking at me weirdly. We have flower pots EVERYWHERE in the garden, a mass of blooming seedlings, and I have not a clue what any of them are.
I walked half way home from work the other night, and thought, this isn't half bad, but I think I'll cycle again...
I had something important to do yesterday morning so I couldn't then, but this morning - bounced out of bed at 7.30 (new year record for me; and yes, it is june), got dressed, packed a bag with a change of clothes, towels, cleaning materials, plugged the headphones in and off I went.
My mantra whilst on Bella Bella is "It's not a race, It's not a race". So quite why I managed to do my first 4. 42 cycle of the year in 26 minutes... (I know it says 28, but it took me 2 minutes to get up off the pavement, and make my hands stop shaking enough to switch my MapMyRide Off.
I got in, I cried in the shower for 15 minutes, and then wobbled and rolled around on the floor trying to get dressed again.
My face is purple - my Nivea just melted into the heat, my hair is like a hay bale and I doubt if I could stand up to get coffee; I'm relying on sympathy to get nourished today.
Bella Bella meanwhile is sitting outside my window smiling at me with her pinkness and saying "see you in 7 hours... and we'll do it all again".
I seriously have lost my brain.
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