nadarsander 2000

By darsa

This is not Magritte

It is part of a sculpture by Pasi Karjula and Marko Vuokola (2000) called "Olo no 22"
Helsinki Art Museum information tells:
'Olo no 22' comprises more than 50 polished steel spheres of various sizes, placed in the area surrounding the harbour basin in Hietalahti, at the western end of Bulevardi.
The sculpture won first prize in an invited competition organized in the late 1990s for installations to be located in the Hietalahti area. The jury appreciated the clever way in which the artists - the Olo Group - had taken the special character and heavy traffic of the area into consideration.
Some of the spheres are placed inside businesses and in courtyards, thereby expanding the concept of public monuments by being open to interpretation and non-monumental. There is no beginning or end to 'Olo no. 22'; instead, it has a continuous presence in the area.

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