Smelly Workings

SWMBO got a Christmas mug which plays tunes.

It is light sensative and starts every time you pick it up (or open the cupboard if stored upside down.

The novalty factor wore off by the end of the first cuppa.

The instructions say it is not dishwasher or microwave safe.
So into the dishwasher it went.........several times.
It still worked.

Yesterday No1 son was making hot chocolate or something in it and put it in the mircowave.
It started glowing - and smoking .......... and stinking.

The contents got ditched and into the dishwasher it went.

This morning when I opened the dishwasher the base fell off and revealed the reason for the smoke and the stink.

That stink has permeated everything in the dishwasher ......... and my hands (despite being washed several times)

I think I need to kill my son - maybe by pushing his head into the dishwasher and have him inhale the fumes for a minute (that is all the time he put the mug in the microwave for)

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