It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Roofs n Writing

My 2nd day off today and I was in front of the computer working by 7:30am. I'm doing my professional re-accreditation application and it's taking an age. I made substantial progress but wanted it finished by lunchtime and I failed!

To have lunch, I had to do a shopping first so got my running kit on and did a 'relaxed' 10km, taking the long way to Glossop. I got some Old Amsterdam, a favourite cheese from Praze and then bought a glut of soft fruit from the green grocer! Yay.....Scotland may be crap at footie but they grow world class strawberries! 2 whole punnets purchased.

Then it was back for lunch and I then did a bit of writing for an editorial I'm doing. A builder then came to look at the roof and gave me a good quote! He chatted way too much, asking all about the Tour de France coming to the area. Gahhhh.....editorial not finished either! It's gonna be a busy weekend.

I then headed into town for swimming! More reading on the train on sport science and medicine case studies. I got to the pool a wee bit early so chilled outside on the grass for a bit! I love Moss Side as it's so culturally diverse. It has a bad reputation but I find people are far more likely to chat or even smile than in Didsbury.

Swimming was tough. I was under-motivated as my important race for this part of the season was on Sunday and I had simply gone to swimming to 'retain the feel of the water' which goes quite quickly when sessions are missed! Nick the coach reminds me of a roman who beats the drum in a galley (like you see in Ben Hur...I think). I'm sure he was viewing me as lazy and would have given me a hundred lashes if he could. Hey hum.....

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