
By TBay

I know there is a mouse in here somewhere !

This is Pip. As I was out early this morning seeing the silagers on their way Pip followed me out and jumped on to the mower parked near us. It is covered in grass from the mowing yesterday and she was up and on it in a flash, nose hard at work. I suppose there will be lots of interesting smells, perhaps traces of Vowles and Mice! Doggie heaven!

Farming today. - lucky to have Mr Tbay alive! The trailer he was towing came detached from the tractor whilst he was tipping the grass in to the silage pit area. The draw bar then rammed itself through the back window of the tractor hitting his seat and shoving him into the dash board. Major injury or worse was prevented as we have safety chains fitted as standard to all our trailers and this stopped the drawbar from crushing him. Phew! One lucky husband if not slightly shaken. A very thankful wife for safety chains!

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