A Rare Breed.

We went out this morning blip hunting, as i was having my hair done this afternoon. We headed to Park Slip on the lookout for some damselflies. There were lots of blue and red ones flying about but they are hard to capture as they don't stay still for long. I managed to capture a few so then we went over to the cafe and ordered our coffee and a snack. She asked if we would mind waiting about fifteen minutes as she had to make the coleslaw. It is worth the wait so i wandered off around the corner to one of the smaller ponds. One of the Park attendants came on to me and asked me what i was hoping to capture,so i told him, a damselfly. He pointed to some tiny ones which i would never have noticed if he hadn't shown them to me. They are the scarce, blue-tailed damselfly ( ischnura pumilio ) which is one of our smallest damselflies. The species is usually found in the shallow wetland sites with open vegetation so they maintain shallow pools throughout the reserve and complete scrub clearance around these shallow pools, ready for the damselfly to breed in the summer. He gave me lots of tips of what to look for around the reserve. What a nice guy. By the time i got back to where J was sitting, our wraps and coffee had arrived. J had been wondering where i had got to, but was impressed when i gave him all my new found information.My hair has been coiffured now, so looking good.

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