
By Odofuran

Two year goal obtained

You don't hear enough sax solos these days.

Anyways, two years I've been waiting to see this band live. Mountain Mocha Kilimanjaro, just an amazing funk band. I first saw them about two years ago, but only the end of their show. I bought an album of theirs, fell in love with them, and since then I've had the bad luck of not being able to make their shows. But they came on a day when I was free, and when I saw that, I knew there could be no other plans. And it lived up to it: two hours of dancing to funk. My heaven.

I had decided not to bring my camera. I thought it might be a packed place without somewhere to put my camera when I wasn't using it. Found out I could have brought it, and saw dozens of shots I wish I could've taken. I was so pissed at myself at first, but halfway through the night I stopped caring. It's always good to leave the camera home sometimes and just enjoy what's in front of you. I might've gotten some great shots, but I also don't think I would've enjoyed the dance floor as much if I had my camera. (But thank God for cameras on phones. Always a good backup for a couple shots)

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