On the Water

You hear it from me first- it is seriously hot today in Edinburgh with glorious sunshine at least for now.

I'm not complaining, but I did have to walk on the shady side of the road, and was glad of the cooler air at the canal as we chanced upon Primary 7 of Tollcross Primary school having a baton relay ( not the real one), canoeing from the Lochrin basin to Hutchison Park.

The Cambridge/Oxford Boat Race it wasn't, with some of the pupils not exactly knowing what to do with their oars, but they were aided and abetted in each boat by a stalwart pupil from James Gillespie's High School, and eventually they set off in some sort of order with the boy with the red buoyancy jacket in the middle of the blip holding aloft the baton.

Everyone was sporting a life jacket and I can only hope they didn't have to get them wet, although I do know from a few bicycle misjudgements by other unfortunates on the tow path that the water is not that deep, but still, best not to go there.

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