
By anhedgie20112

Last day of high school

Mom is so cute and had this entrance as I walked in.

I didn't really sleep last night but it didn't matter. I spent the day signing yearbooks. I was happy I got to hit all of the teachers I wanted to sign mine. My close friends and I are waiting. I decided to throw a party on Thursday to sign and make sundaes! I'm excited. Go me. I didn't get sad until the end of orchestra. Knowing that I'm moving into a different type of relationship with dan also kinda makes me sad. It's new though, not bad.

I came home to this mom cuteness and we were both in a good mood. (y)

I watched the finale of game of thrones...intense.

Went for a lovely, cool, 13.5 mile bike ride. I even pumped my own tires!

Happy summer?

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