Highland Life

By Baron

Transport to The Isle of Lewis

This is the Caledonian Macbraynes ferry and the Iolaire Monument at the Beasts of Holm? This is a monument set up at the site of the disaster that occurred on 31st December 1918 as His Majesties Yacht IOLAIRE sailed from Kyle of Lochalsh for Stornoway, bearing home to the Hebrides nearly 300 naval veterans of the Great War. She never made it. At two in the morning, she ran aground by the very mouth of Stornoway harbour and over 200 men drowned in what remains, Britains biggest peacetime disaster at sea since the loss of the Titanic, devastating the Isle of Lewis and scarring a generation! Tomorrow I will hit the beaches on a happy note! I just had to visit this site to see for myself and share with you!

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