DDW Challenge; The Bride of Frankensheep
Warning! The Monster Demands a Mate
This is a sequel to a story which started here, with Dr Frankensheep. The creature, which to avoid any confusion I shall call the creature, has been given to dark moods and late night wanderings. Using all my training in sheep psychology, I discover that the creature is lonely. I endeavour to spend more time with it and try various diversions and activities to lighten its mood, but these have all ended in failure. I had omitted to give the creature sufficient linguistic capacity and so we had to abandon Scrabble. Jigsaws too were a non starter; the bucolic scenes depicted in many of the puzzles turned out to be too upsetting.
Eventually the creature chose Happy Families (or Go Fish). The game started easily enough but I began to notice an intensity in the creature’s play which had been absent in all our other games. The creature suggested a wager. I don’t know what came over me; perhaps it was the heavy scent of lanolin, or reading too much Thomas Hardy, but by some foolishness or other, I discovered I had wagered Anniemay on the outcome of this game.
By sleight of hoof, the creature gradually amassed all the families except one. My family was short to the tune of one member. The creature pushed Mrs Chop the Butcher’s Wife across the table to me and winked. It all began to make sense. In exchange for the safe return of my wife the creature demanded a mate. I tapped the side of my nose with the index finger of my right hand; “nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more”.
All well that ends well; not.
Anniemay’s a jolly good sport about being wagered and we both dash off to get ready for the wedding. But when The Bride sees the creature she screams and rejects him; “She hate me” he says sadly. To us he says; "Yes! Go! You live!" To his bride he says; “You stay. We belong dead.” As we flee, the creature sheds a tear, nudges a lever (not having an opposable thumb rules out pulling or grasping) and they are no more.
The End
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