Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle


This reference pays credit to a Monty Python skit that is one of the funniest things they ever did.
E.was demonstrating to our friends K+B how to taunt cats with a radio controlled alien cybot insectoid.
K+B are old best friends. I worked with K at a public health clinic. We haven't seen them for several years and they came down from West Virginia for the party.
K is a very good and dedicated nurse. Since she has retired she volunteers many hours going to nursing homes with her dogs to provide thrapy for the residents.
She also travels to Belize to volunteer in a clinic. This past year she was almost murdered when she became involved in a bizarre case in Belize. A young woman had delivered a baby, however the woman suffered from severe cerebral palsy, was mentally incompetent and spent her entire life in a hammock wearing a diaper. She had been raped by her step-father. The infant's grandmother had asked for the infant to be placed for adoption. K somehow had become involved in assisting the adoption process. K and several other clinic volunteers had to travel deep into the jungle (on foot, at night) in order to obtain a signature (thumbprint) from the infants grandmother (guardian). When they arrived the grandmother had already been severely beaten by her husband (perpetrator of the heinous rape), and the husband attacked K and the other volunteers with a machete. Somehow the assailant was subdued, the thumbprint obtained and the adoption was accomplished. K was unscathed but quite shaken. She had clearly thought she was going to die and die in a most horrible fashion.
When K told me this story it reminded me of GOODBYE's blip this week of the old woman, how the old woman had been beaten by her stepson, how she had to walk home from the hospital after surgery, and how her life had been so injust. My comment was that God did not make justice, justice was created by man. Justice is expensive and requires discipline and human effort, and is not without danger and sacrifice.
I asked K when she was returning to Belize. She was not in a rush.

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