Jax and co.

By indusriver


This afternoon's project was "to hang a chocolate biscuit out the window and then a secret note" or something along those lines! Who it was aimed at, I am not too sure but it kept Sienna amused for a good 20 minutes or so. Then it was dress as a princess time, blow up random balloons and badger me for flags to decorate the house for Father's Day. I love that she is full of ideas and creativity and all that but it sure involves a lot of stuff being moved around the house - in one direction - from where it came from and not back to where it belongs! Exhausting!

Meanwhile at the other end of the spectrum my eldest daughter has gone away camping (a group of eight, 16 year olds) to Wales for 5 days - ALL BY THEMSELVES!!! Delighted for her - although not yet convinced I will sleep soundly - surely it's a Mother's prerogative to worry!

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