Hello again, Bingo

I feel as if I'm caught up in a bit of a whirlwind today!

Having moved to Bingo's yesterday for a week - still looking after Pookie and Monty as well - there's been a bit of an emergency with Shuna's human, who has gone into hospital with breathing difficulties, and has asked if I can deal with Shuna. I'm only too happy to help out.

Those of you who remember Bingo from previous years will know that his mistress is a fanatical cuddly-toy-animal-collector. When I arrived yesterday I found that the 'zoo' had been added to: there's a new brown bear (knee height) in the bedroom, a long fluffy hare (probably meant as a draught-excluder) on the coffee table and sundry teddies, owls and sheep.

I'm off now to feed my various charges and give them a bit of company, so bear with me...

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