main road

old manali.

and more threshing husking, this is the main/only road up through old manali, it's all over here in old manali; as muttered yesterday/earlier today, the seasonal aspects of this lifestyle, even in such a short space of time, are so obvious...will, when connection put more of these up on really does intrigue me...

as does yesterdays cancellation...i have no idea why i didn;t think of alternatives...made me think of the rambles earlier in the trip about the profligacy of direct transprtation these days and there i was, caught up in it, thinking only of direct routes...even the road to leh can be done otherwise...and i wonder what happened...but the trip to spiti will be interesting i think...more time on buses, no idea what to expect, only old photo's of an incredible landscape in my mind...and it wil hopefully lead back to here, this very seat...

today humid, very much so, the kind of day which saps you just breathing:-) and hazy on the hills...the view from the porch is of bluegrey wedges of hills drifting upwards into clouds; the closest hill defined enough to offer glimpsed spaces between trees and beyond that a tone painting, possibilities rather than certainties in the air tonight...and a hope that the weather holds, think that it is time to move...

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