Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Markies: The Revenge

Second stint on the nutters outside Markies stall again today. This time we had company across the way. Actual real nutters.......queue Jaws music.......ooh it pains me to say it........it was the Better Together posse.

The scene was set for an Anchorman type rumble.

On the one side, blooming against the flower bed planter, were the Quines for Indy. Eight of us working our shifts, empowered, informed and all spanxed up. Okay, okay, I'm kidding about the latter, let's face it ladies, the spanx only comes out for weddings these days. And I'm probably the only quine in need of spanx. Hence my neck scarf distract from my tummy tactic.

On the other side, beside the hotdog stand - but with far less meaty substance (and that's saying something as we all know how much crap is in hotdogs) - Bitter Together, the be-tied, uptight and misleading leaflet laden stepford humans dressed in smart casual Sloan wear, and probably secretly likely to buy sex panther aftershave.

But stand down you outraged mainstream media reading readers, rest assured there was no rumble, not even a single grievous bodily leaflet paper cut. The singing preacher waxing lyrical about love inbetween the two stalls kept the atmosphere groovy. He certainly upped his game by popping a few dance moves when the bitter together stealth mannie tried to leaflet in my personal space. Doffing my cap to certain statements in circulation this week, perhaps preacher man was actually MI5 or 6, working in cahoots with the sand sculpture artist, who in turn did his bit to cool the atmosphere by regularly pouring water over his creation to stop it dissipating in front of our eyes (a bit like the other stall holders' arguments).

But I digress, it was a lovely warm day in the City and we were an upbeat crew. Mum arrived to say hello and the better together folk promptly packed up and left. Putting two and two together I reckon she must be our secret weapon; middle aged Markies shopping ladies for yes are formidable. And I met several of them today. During my shift the folk I spoke to were all yessers, bar 1 no voter who just unnerved me by staring at me angrily and wouldn't move on for a bit and 4 undecideds who were keen to talk. Thanks to my fellow Indy Quine who came to my rescue by helping me lug the stall stuff.

Came home via the village to drop it off to the next Quine (ooh, we work like clockwork) and bumped into a fellow yesser who had been out canvassing with Yes Aberdeenshire. Results for ye olde newmarche were majority yes, a few undecided veering to yes and 2 nos. Jings!

Fergus Fish Finger news: antibiotic injection, shaved head, cleaned wound, and antibacterial fluid to be administered daily, that should be fun trying to get him to stay still for that.........and finally, Sam's turn for a friend over for a sleepover.

Definitely time for a cup of tea, unless Dave's left a cider.

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