Ups and Downs

Massive thunderstorm in the middle of last night, magnificent lightning but I was too sleepy to get up and try to shoot pictures of it.... As a result of that and yesterday's hay fever and sore eyes it took me ages to get it together this morning.

After a troll through a few charity shops, not finding anything for the 'hippy' outfit, I gave up and went for a hot chocolate with marshmallows and a yummy piece of lemon drizzle cake :)

Before coming home, I popped to the park. There were not many people around and not many birds either, but managed to capture this blackbird, though he definitely wasn't going to look at me...

Came home and have been resting and dozing, feeling better tonight :)

In other news I can't believe that it is a year ago this weekend that I came home after having 2 (non cancerous) lumps removed, how quickly time has moved on :)

Happy Saturday folks :)

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