Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

World Cup Meals #1

We went to Morrison's today as we do most weekends. As usual, I asked "What shall we have this week then?" "Err....how about a World Cup theme?" Said Mr J. "A meal representing one of the countries playing that day, each day?"

What a good idea!

So tonight was spaghetti & meatballs in honour of Italy (vs England). I think P thoroughly enjoyed hers and had to go for a bath straight afterwards!

In other news, little man tried out the high chair today for the first time. I had to wedge in a cushion to help him sit up but he loved it. He was getting so fed up being being in his bouncy chair. He wanted to be up at the table and able to see what was going on. He was in the highchair when I gave him his baby porridge this afternoon and he ate the lot, grabbing the spoon off me! My little boy sure does like his food!

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