Melon Head

Melon Heads is the name given to legendary beings and urban legends in parts of Michigan, Ohio, and Connecticut generally described as small humanoids with bulbous heads who occasionally emerge from hiding places to attack people. Different variations of the legend attribute different origins.

Who would have thunk it.

The image came first inspired by the water melons in Sainsbury's this morning. Shopping on a Saturday morning. I'm so rock and roll.

Actually, I am a little as I went to see John Bramwell at the Harpenden Public Halls last night. He was superb and the support act, Dave Fidler was pretty good too. They were over an hour late in starting and John pushed Dave on stage in a supermarket shopping trolley. They explained that they were from up north and weren't used to seeing the sun so they had 'been out'. Translated, this meant they were late leaving the local pub where they had consumed a beer or two. Several more were consumed during the performance, but he never missed a note. Such a unique voice. Here's a song about him and his daughter on the beach.

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