
By 63JR

Ella's Room

Photo was taken on a late Friday afternoon.
In Ella's room.
I was in their new house on Pishon Trail.
She was napping.
She slept 2 hours.
I was her watch mate.
"Standing guard" with pride.
Looking thru her windows,
Time stopped.
"The eternal now".
Not clock tine.
Thankful then in that moment for others not here,
JPR, Sam, Mr. Costa.
My teachers and guides.
All exemplary fathers
All with different strengths.
My Dad's courage in his unwanted journey with cancer.
Sam, my grandfather, was "salt of the earth",
A carpenter from Newfoundland.
My father in law, from Caria (Italy), with his deep and practical generosity.
I remember his broad smile at his two daughters weddings.
And now KBR, a great Dad, "on his way".
Father's Day on Sunday.
Remembering these men.
Silent music.
No worries.
Not thinking.
Not planning.
Quiet, in this room (and in my inner room).
Not discontent.
Present to this moment.
Noting patterns.
And sensing the rhythms of this day.
Sitting in a chair (a big, soft recliner) rocking her this sleepy afternoon.
The green leaves.
Her father walking the dog.
Parker sleeping in the other room
He is under the weather with a bad cough.
The joy she and her older brother bring is immense.

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