are they?...

...i believe they are

in a 1 shot wonder

i managed to capture - these incredible damsels - doing the deed - they were flitting around me - fast - not landing anywhere - i wasn't even sure - they were damsels at 1st - when they finally did perch - i merely had time to sort of - barely look through my camera - depressing the shutter button - muttering an "oh well" - because i thought for sure - they'd come out blurred

imagine my total surprise - as well as delight - on the upload - when they turned out as you see them here - 1 shot people - full of wonder - don't you simply love it when that happens? it makes you skip around - hum a tune - flail your arms about in utter joy - and abandonment - 'cuz something you did turned out right - 1 chance - 1 shot - now that has made it...


happy day.....

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