and through the wire...

By hesscat

I've been waiting for you

So a late night drive home tonight without a blip and I spent maybe 20 minutes in Carrington trying to find one. I took a couple, but as I was leaving I noticed in the car mirror the church silhouetted on the red sky at night... it looked amazing. But without my main camera/zoom it didn't look the same, even when I took a photo of the mirror... so I left unsure I had anything to use.

But on final leg of my journey, in toad country where I've blipped before, I zoomed over a big toad in the middle of the road and when I'd slowed down, this big chap was sitting facing me. I was surprised how close I got (12 inches) and it didn't flinch. Not sure I have seen one so big, must be bigger than my palm.

Anyway, how could I reject him, he was probably waiting ages for me. I hope he made it to safety! Carrington can wait for another day...

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