Honey Moon

There is a honey moon this evening. It is full and golden and currently reflecting beautifully across the sea. I know that because I waited (for ages) until it was dark to go go and take pictures of it.

But I am crap at night photography and the pictures were ridiculous and frankly not at the high standard I demand of my journal.

But this (my just in case I am as bad as I remember at taking pictures in the dark) shot is possibly even more exciting. I found a recipe for a rhubarb sour cocktail. Within 20 minutes I freshly harvested rhubarb macerating in sugar and within an hour it had been joined by bottle of vodka. I am tremendously excited at the thought of rhubarb vodka and the endless possibilities it will bring to my life.

In other news I took Will swimming this evening while Daisy was at drama in an attempt to be a better person. I say swimming. I sat about in the water while he went on the slide 100 times. He was very happy though, so job done.

And Daisy has made me laugh a lot today. One highlight was when I spoke flawless French to her. She said "oh you sound like....". I jumped in with "Madame your French teacher?"

No said she of the cutting tongue, I can't remember his name, Kermit's evil cousin. All bodes well for our holidays this summer.

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