
Well if you look very closely at the innards you might see a bit of a twist! I did have something else in mind for tonight but on closer inspection they were shit this was the safest option! So a Friday fleur it is my lovelies

First day of my annual leave spent shopping, haircut and domestic goddessing in advance of our grand tour which starts on Sunday. It also rained ALL day. But I have wine and no work for two weeks so hey :)

Last night I was too knackered by the time I got home from work to relate the tale of the massive cock up...

So...Mr Lif was due to drive the ex and Jake to the airport. I headed to bed as normal. Around 1am my ancient slumber was broken by Mr Lif showering and then at 1.30 I heard him drive off. So settled down proper to sleep. Zzzzzz. 3.30 a vague up. 1471, the ex. Panic. Called him. The phone was answered straight away. "What's happened?" Pause. " I have left my passport on the kitchen table. Me #*****, @****#...

You can fill in the blanks but it was very xrated!

Panic! Tried to get Mr Lif no answer. Phoned back the ex, swore some more and then told him to try a neighbour with a key. Mike called. Got me to check if it was jakes passport as well turned out no, only the ex. Spoke to the ex again to see if mike had to head home and try and get in to get the passport. Fortunately the neighbour had so kindly agreed to drive the passport down. People amaze me sometimes .

Lay down and tossed and turned. Mike got home. Lay down again, tossed and turned. Txt from ex. Jake was checked in and in departure. The ex was awaiting neighbour. Lay down tossed and turned. 5.30 called the ex. He was just about to text. He had the passport and was checked in. Phew.

Lay down and slept. 6.45 alarm went off. Got up to get on the hamster wheel for another day at work.

As the ex said, in between my cussing, he managed to surpass himself this time!

Anyhoo, they are there now and I am on my hols. Life is good!

Have a fab weekend xx

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