This wild beastie is a Red Lily Beetle - Lilioceris lilii. Not good for the plants and certainly an insect on the increase in the UK.

Many thanks for all the support for my Blip of yesterday. The concert, in aid of Hull and East Riding Institute for the blind, was given by Driffield Male Voice Choir, of which I am one tiny part.
It all seemed to go very well, although we were all shattered after the second half, which lasted over an hour.
Whilst it is very grand inside the Hall, those gardens looked very tempting. Perhaps an open-air venue for the future.

L had Mr Hilton riding on the beach this morning. Tried to tempt him into the sea but he was a bit worried. I walked in up to my knees but he was still uncertain - those dam wavy bits look a threat . . . hehe . . .

Hope you all have a grand weekend.

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