Another dull day without sunshine, but I had a couple things to do in town so forced myself to go out. When I got off the bus I was surprised how warm it actually was, kind of thundery feeling but it was dull and overcast. It occurred to me I had not eaten anything so I nipped into a nearby Tesco Express to grab a sandwich and a drink. This statue stands just outside on Picardy Place, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born near here (although the building he was born in was demolished years ago). Not the best picture in the world but I kind of liked the dark black patches of shadow. After photographing the statue I did a bit of shopping and took a wander up The Royal Mile, it's getting busier by the day with more tourists in town and a number of street performers & buskers. When it began to rain, lightly, the umbrellas came out and I retreated back to the Vintage in Leith for my own safety!
Sadly they have fitted a big TV for the World Cup and although the first match didn't start until 21:00 the opening ceremony was on (although they did have the volume off), conversation inevitably turned to football and I found my self sitting between two guys debating who the best footballer is/was. They were apparently comparing current players against past players, the only names I recognised were "Maradona", "Pelé" & "Renaldo". Unfortunately we're going to have to put up with another month of football talk as every "Tom", "Dick" & "Harry" becomes an expert and most pubs in town are advertising the fact they will be showing "ALL the matches Live", although there are still a couple decent pubs that do not have TVs.
It was at this point I had enough and retreated home to cook dinner. I made a rather tasty home made Cajun chicken with a creamy onion & chilli prawn sauce, which was a first for me. It worked pretty well!
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