Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Happy Pills

This morning I returned to an old familiar routine - taking an antidepressant tablet with my breakfast. I've been trying to maintain a reasonable level of mental health without drugs for the last couple of years, but have now reached the stage where I'm fighting a losing battle.

So it's back to medication, although I'm trying something slightly different from before in the hope that the side effects will be more manageable. The next few weeks will be spent taking two of these little chaps a day, getting used to them, and hoping that they help. So far they make me feel much less sick than the last ones did, but maybe ever so slightly "drunk"! Fingers crossed that that subsides and I don't end up with a greyed-out emotionless mind!

I quite like calling them "Happy Pills" because I imagine rows of little tablets with smiley faces on them!

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