Le Mans Blipmeet

As you may have read On H's Blip or maybe Dave's Blip we are at Le Mans.

An early start and a great journey down with a stop of at Dave's where we had a fine lunch (thanks Mrs D). It is funny how you can meet people via odd Internet sites and then end up really enjoying their company. It was a shame we could not have stayed longer we were all chatting away about all sorts of strange things we have in common.

However the race beckoned so we pressed on and got here at about 5:45. A quick dinner and then we put up the magic tent and hit the circuit.

We watched most of qualifying but are now retiring as we are all utterly and completely knackered!

Alf has been brilliant all day and is now sound asleep, I'm about to crawl into bed so will catch up with you lovely folks later tomorrow.

Sorry if this is gibberish, I can hardly keep my eyes open!



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