wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Before the deluge

I figured I would get a decent shot of the poppy before the rains come. I guess we are supposed to get some rain. Of course who needs the weather channel when you can just call me and ask" hey Susan what's coming out in your garden right now? Oh poppies and peonies? Oh then it's going to rain. Ugh. My favorites will be crushed. I will stake them tomorrow..

Thanks for all the nice comments on yesterday's blip. It occurred to me that I must really love my job. I do. Some days are hard. Some are awesome but, that would be life.

Tonight we have a gig at Local Sprouts. I am staying home tomorrow night and going to bed early! We do have some new recordings on YouTube just search Pretty Girls Sing Soprano.

I had this wicked cool picture of Solomon seal that has almost gone by. I am going to try to do it tomorrow. I also took an obscene picture of a poppy bud. When someone looks at a shot and says whoa and steps back. It's obscene. I am going to post it on my blipfolio later. I will post the link underneath in a bit.
Btw I do not see the obsceness of this bud but, who knows.....I am relatively obscene innocent.
Have a great night and g'day to down under!!
Did we ever settle the toilet thing? In what direction does the water go down under?

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