More Life of Sands

By sands

Exams - GULP!!

Last year, I took the British Sub-Aqua Club National Instructor Exam. This is the highest BSAC instructor qualification and both preparing and taking the 4-day (yes - 4 DAYS!!) exam takes a lot of hard work and dedication - and you have to be a little mad as well so I'm ok with that bit!!

Unfortunately, I failed the exam last year - but only just! So I am going to retake it this summer.

However, I have to retake the BSAC First Class Diver Theory exam (you have to be a FCD to take the NI exam) as I took it over 3 years ago now and this is when it expires for the NI exam.

Are you all following this...........??

Anyhow, I am preparing for the theory exam (which takes place in March) with another diver who lives in Glasgow. We are meeting up every few weeks in South Queensferry in the Hawes Inn on a Monday night. We are going through old exam papers and seeing what we each come up with for answers. It is proving to be a great way to prepare and we are helping each other out with different areas of expertise.

However, we both agree that the internet is a wonderful exam preparation tool!!

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