Fun At the Strawberry Farm

Another busy day for me!
After dropping Miss E off at school Miss L and I headed over to the strawberry farm to meet Mrs L and Mr T.
It was such a lovely morning - there was much bouncing down bouncy slides, bouncing on bouncy castles, bouncing on balancing beams and bouncing on picnic tables.
Not all the bouncing was strictly appropriate!
The weather was perfect - sunny and warm without being too hot. Apart from in the poly tunnels which were about a million degrees!
It's so lovely there!
After picking a couple of punnets of strawberries each and another lot of bouncing Mrs L had to head home for the puppies and I popped into Oxford for some more mystery shopping.
Then it was home to a lovely surprise - I found my dad hard at work clearing our garden. He did a fantastic job today in what turned out to be sweltering heat.
He's coming back tomorrow for some serious strimming and mowing.
What a star!
I had an hour at home to hang some laundry out, do the washing up, eat a late lunch and then go and get Miss E before Miss L's swimming.
On the way home we passed Papa in Mrs C's front garden so we stopped and called in.
Mum was there too so it turned into a big family outing!

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