Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Proper Tea!

Those of you who know me, will know that I have a mild serious addiction to tea. Not to caffeine I might add, just to tea. I love it, I drink tens of cups of it a day (Doctor's orders, plenty of fluids and caffeine).

This photo wasn't what I originally had planned (couldn't find the flash, not enough lamps, not used to the lens yet) but I like it. This photo shows tea in its various stages. The green in the background is a real tea leaf before any processing. It fell off my tea bush as we were treating it for white/blackfly and it is what inspired this blip. The brown in the foreground, not big enough to interrupt the view of the midground, is your bog standard, sweepings from the factory floor, otherwise known as the contents of a teabag. The nations general every day brew. In the midground is the real deal, pure, unadulterated, whole tea leaves, the sort you need a teapot to brew.

This tea in particular is a Rohini Enigma. A delightful early 2nd flush darjeeling. Best brewed with water around 80'C (boiled then cooled for four minutes) and then brewed for around three. Nice with milk, can be drank without.

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