Necessity the mother of .....

So what do you do when your knees are shot, you can't get up a ladder & your roof needs mending? Well, if you are Michael-Next-Door you make a hoist that fixes to a ladder that will carry you and your tools up the ladder to fix the roof.

What an incredible Wallace & Gromit/Heath Robinson invention! And it works stunningly well. Ah, but this is from a man who built nitro-dragsters, made his own cars, flew aeroplanes and raced motorbikes.

There's something to be said for, whilst you are still able, not letting your circumstances dent your ambition. Well done Michael! What a star! And he has a great range of Hawaiian shirts.

(We moved in to our home 19 years ago, our girls have grown up with him and we've only ever known Michael as Michael-Next-Door, he even calls himself that now).

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