The rescue...

Just before I took this photo we had been walking round the Loch and Ozzy had been running around as usual.
He followed Flynn down a pathway out of sight that takes you down to a small jetty.
I walked back along the path and was shouting for Ozz to come back. I could hear splashing but he wasn't coming back.
Normally he's quite quick at recall but I shouted again and still nothing.....I suddenly had a feeling something wasn't quite right and ran round to where I could see the jetty....
There he is, in the water, his little head going under and total panic in his face, desperately trying to get back onto the jetty.
I ran out and grabbed him by the scruff and hauled him out. A wee cough, a shake and off he went.... I stood for a moment contemplating what had just happened.

I presume that he's just ran right off the end of the jetty and not figured out that all he had to do was swim back to shore!!

Lucky daft dog!

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