Yes, we can!
Feeling strangely disenchanted this evening. No photos have clicked with me today. The usual drive down the autostrada this evening and shooting a bit of moving traffic, trucks, trains and power lines into the setting sun.
Blasting YES 90125 on the media player for the drive. Each song better than the other. Here's a bit of 'It Can Happen'
You can fool yourself
You can cheat until you're blind
You can cut your heart
It can happen
You can mend the wires
You can feed the soul apart
You reach
It can happen to you
It can happen to me
It can happen to everyone eventually
It's a constant fight
A constant fight
You're pushing the needle to the red
Black and white
Who knows who's right
No substitute you're born you're dead
Fly by night
Created out of fantasy
Our destinations call
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