Chilling day!

Well day 1 of Columbas Trail tour with my two clients.
First stop Columbas footprint, well & cave in Kintyre
Weather stunning.
Second stop Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse! what a walk! Getting there along a treacherous 7 mile single track road was highly entertaining! At the top we stopped and I made tea & had all sorts of goodies which they lapped up sitting in the miday sun. them I looked over the edge at the long waaaayyyyyy doooowwwn!! I thought Oh my God. Anyhows they were up for it and we were three quarters of the way down when she said her husband was 71!! Flaming heck I thought to myself. When I caught up with him as he kept on ahead as we went to the Chinook memorial cairn, I casually asked him if he had angina or any heart complaint while I had half an eye on the lighthouse helipad and the other eton on my mobile to see if I could still get a signal as I thought if either of these two have a flakey on the long haul back up at least I will have plan B
Well I needn't have bothered, he was at the top before I was!
Once up top , out came the chairs & they chilled with an excellent bottle of Caberet Sauvignon & perused some of my books. They sat there just enjoying life for over an hour. Finally I got them back on the road and we called in At the fantastic Dunaverty Fort then back to the hotel for 6.30pm thourghly knackered & content. Calumina, my mothers best china cups went down a storm. Hope tomorrow goes as good

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