
This fine piece of sculpture is in the middle of the road in a plastics factory on the old RAF Hemswell Cliff site.

From the company website: Recycling business ECO Plastics is taking its bottle message to London, where the Regents Canal Festival kicked off last weekend. The ECO Plastics sponsored giant floating duck, made entirely from used plastic bottles, was one of the main art projects exhibited throughout the festival, highlighting the importance of our waterways and their upkeep. Jonathan Short, MD of ECO Plastics, commented: “We consume 600,000 tonnes of plastic bottles every year, but less than half of this is collected for recycling. Not only is this a huge loss of valuable resource, but a real barrier to our zero waste society ambitions. Rubbish Duck is a symbol of the high value of what we throw away – not only should we take care not to litter, but also make the most of our waste. Plastic bottles should always be recycled, never binned. We are delighted to be part of the Rubbish Art project and wholeheartedly support the artists’ vision in highlighting the environmental impact of pollution on our waterways.” Following the event, Rubbish Duck will make its way back to the ECO Plastics plant in Hemswell, to be disassembled and reprocessed for use in future plastic bottles.

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