
By rachelhpreston

The exploding rain bug

We spent most of this morning trying to sort out our visas. There is no visa in my passport without a story! First of all we couldn't find the migration office. When we eventually got there, it turned out the passport Mary needed was in Bogotá. The rest of us managed to get our visas today, after having visited a shopping centre to get photos printed and photocopies of the passports. We've phoned up the school in Bogotá where we've left some of our stuff and hopefully they are going to post the passport so it will arrive by tomorrow.
This weird bug thing turned up in the evening making a really weird crackling, hissing noise. Someone told us it makes this sound when it's about to die, and then it will explode. Someone else told us that it was because it was going to rain tomorrow. The bug still hasn't exploded so we shall just have to wait and see if it rains!

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