The gardener! My little helper!

Anthony , my little friend came today to visit me. He was very busy watering my roses and plants around the garden.
It was too hot today a truly summer day. I went to the art clas this afternoon and later Annie came to my house . I cooked paella , salad and cheese cake . We ate it in the garden with Anthony and his mother Suzy when they arrived. It was a lovely time. I played a lot with Anthony and like always I became so tired I was carrying the water for him to water the roses. He was very busy really. He takes his jpob very seriosly haha! my itle helper!
Later we were looking for butterflies and playing with bubbles, etc. I took some pictures of him but it was difficult to get one nice portrait . He never stopped either. He dosen;t likes the camera so I tried my best hahah!.
I wanted to show him the daisies and poppies we had in the park around the corner but he was so tired as well and the mother said next time we will go because it was too late for him and he needs to sleep. So next time I hope that the poppies are still there. It is a beautiful park full of will flowers.
Thanks for the comments about my friend the dog Jenny.
Hope you enjoyed the day and keep smiling.

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