Lessons on how to shoot yourelf in the foot.....

This morning the postman woke me from my slumbers with a wee parcel that clinked ominously as it hit the mat.
Ever mindful of the need for vigilance in these days of letter bombs ,terrorists,increasingly bizarre selling gimmics and just plain nutters . I viewed this wee parcel warily!
Closer inspection did indeed reveal this bomb albeit a rather fetching turquoise one!
And tucked inside a hasty ransom letter ,threatening dire consequences should I not carry out a promise.... so rashly made two weeks ago!
That I must paint my toenails turquoise ; or else ......
Now, in the past I have had some fun with "Pinktoes"... much to the consternation of my daughters....and foolishly intimated that I might change to this brightest of blue!
Silly boy!
Now someone (whose name wild horses wouldn't drag from me!!) has posted this to me ,and called my bluff!
Having sat all afternoon studying its lovely hue, have decided that ,bound by honour as I am , that ,yes , I have to do this thing.....but at a place and hour of my choosing!
Watch this space !! :-D

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