
I cannot say thank you enough for all the comments re Maisie yesterday. You sent her into the spotlight. I'm completely overwhelmed by such kindness shown by everyone. Blip is such a special place with special people and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Maisie has been a super mummy to the kittens and has taken on the roll with ease. It's obvious that her gentle nature has helped. I'm sure our Dolly would have approved of Maisie taking over her motherly duties.

Dolly was put next to our Max last night. I've clipped her collar next to his nearby, and I can see them from my kitchen window. Her tag will be added to my key ring with Max's so she will be with me always as he is.

I have lovely memories of her to cherish forever...they never die.

Today I took the kittens outside to feel the grass under their tiny little feet. They seemed to like being outside. They had a good romp around. Maisie and Oscar both looked after them. Oscar is a little wary of them.

I tried very hard to line them up for this shot but the little kittens wouldn't keep still. It's was fun trying to capture this though...and this shot is the best of the bunch.

My 500th blip couldn't of been anything else.

Thank you to everyone who stops by to read my blips and thank you all for blipping as I love popping into everyone's journals.

I can't believe I made it to 500 :) x

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