Hills of the North Rejoice

Reggie and I had a good walk today around and about the village, and across the moor. This is a stone up on the moor which is usually full of rainwater and was always Thomas' favourite drinking hole. Reggie knows it well too and after yesterday evening's rainfall there was plenty there for him.

While we were in France a nightingale sang through the night and I sang a nightingale sang in Berekley Square, until we got to Calais when it became There'll be Bluebirds over the White Cliffs of Dover! Today Hills of the North rejoice came into my head and I'm still humming it now! I haven't heard it sung in years yet I still knew the first verse off by heart.

Been a bit slow this weekend! Just uploaded Sunday and Monday's efforts with this one. Also just spotted my photo from this time last year. Can't believe it is a year since we lost Auntie Dot.

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