Clickk ;)

By marfino

Wake Up

I literally had to drag Kevin out of bed after our nap this afternoon... After a 5 hour long shift at the bagel place I work at during the weekend (today was 8 am to 1 pm...and yesterday was 7 am to 1 pm) I need a nap! So Kevin joined me, but I guess he just got completely back into a deep sleep and really did NOT want to wake up.
This was my attempted blip for today. I think it's cute...even though it was a serious challenge trying to get him up and out.
Anyway - we ended up having a great day even though it started (for him...restarted for me) at 4:30 pm. We stopped by starbucks and visited my sister, ate dinner at his house, and then saw Youth in Revolt which got out at 11:30... And now I'm so incredibly sleepy...
Definitely time for bed.
Goodnight! <3

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