It's hard work looking after Daddy

I have had a really busy day. I had to look after daddy all day, all by myself. I was up a little early as my jammies were wet due to a leaky nappy. Mummy says tonight I am going up a size to see if that helps.

Once up we helped get everyone ready for work and school then had breakfast. We then went down to the golf club for a while. I now have my own mini golf club set so we took that with us. I had a brilliant time. I was running about, hitting the ball with my stick, daddy says its a club, mmm I think its a stick. I kept celebrating when my ball went on the hole. There were lots of retired men at the club who found me hilarious.

Once home we had lunch. I had some ham, they were ham rolls but I picked the ham out then ate some of the roll later. After lunch we went to the library. I am very pleased with the fact that I jumped in every single puddle on the way and all the way back too. Daddy now regrets encouraging me to jump in puddles as it take twice a long to go any where along with the extra washing I create, my joggers started out yellow and ended up more a brown muddy colour.....whoops!

Mummy was late home from work tonight but I still gave her a big kiss and cuddle when she got home. I got to FaceTime grandma tonight as I kisses her when she was on holiday. I kept cuddling the iPad and kissing the screen.

Its bedtime now, I am so tired hopefully I will sleep all night along with my bigger nappy too. Fairies here I come...

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